Tessellated Circuits: Home

Tessellated Circuits: Home  

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This site is an amalgamation of the old and the new.

The old is based on the content I had at island.net/~kdbrown until my ISP took away their “free” sites. Calculators I had there have been improved and much of the other content has been updated. The most popular page on my old site was the directory of Canadian Electronics suppliers: it's back! To get to that page click on the “Old Home” link in the menu and follow down to the “Canadian Electronics Suppliers” entry or just click on the link above.

The new is something I've been working on for a long time but not seriously published 'till now: a way of designing small one-function circuit boards which facilitate the building of quite complex systems without the need to stack shields, hats or capes, or without having to use random dimensioned breakout boards which never fit well, or without needing to make an entire new PCB. Sure, PCBs are getting easier to design and cheaper to buy, but there are many advantages to using “canned circuits” which have already been validated.