The versatility of the Li'lBoard system becomes apparent when you see how many ways they can be used: they can be permanently built in to a “one-off” test jig; they can be used in the same way as a solderless strip (but without the placement rigidity), and anywhere in between, with parts of your system removeable or replaceable but other parts permanent.
Several pages show all the features:
- Mounting methods are cheap, with many options
- Interconnections can be made in at at least three ways
- Support calculators
have been written as aids for both analog and digital design tasks;
- The large variety of designs means there's a good chance what you need is available: there
are over 60 designs available
, with more to come.
- And if what you need is not available, it is often quite easy to make what you need out of
the appropriate style of perfboard
- The mechanical design standard is open and starter files exist for several EDA-CAD systems. So whether you work for a semiconductor manufacturer, are a test engineer, or a design engineer or a hobbyist, there is nothing stopping you!
Page visited: Saturday, Mar 8th, 2025 at 5:57pm PST. Last updated: Jan 22, 2021.