How Li'lBoard designs are grouped...
There are 7 groups of designs. (The assignment of a design to a group is sometimes arbitrary in that some of the designs could be members of more than one group—it could be decided to change categories of some of them).
- The power supply-related boards. Linear and switching regulators, power input and conditioning. All board models in this category start with a 2;
- The analog boards. 555 timer, op-amps, audio amp, DDS and DACs. Model numbers are 3.xx;
- The digital boards. Processors mostly but a few others such as an SPI port and a clock/square-wave generator. Go here to compare all the processor boards Model numbers are 4.xx;
- The “peripheral” boards. This category is where you'll find the switches and lights. Mostly interfaces to the human Model numbers are 5.xx;
- The “interface” boards. Interfaces with other electronics, so things like a USB peripheral, RS-232, RS-485 and LVDS transceivers. 6.xx model numbers;
- Interconnection boards. These are all connectors of one sort or another, from a simple 4-way screw terminal to several types of USB connector;
- The uncommitted boards. More like the traditional breadboarding style here. Model 8.xx numbers.
There are potentially other categories, such as one for rf functions. As well, when I started this I reserved the '1' prefix for things to do with packaging such as pre-drilled base boards. This has not proved to be a priority since it is so easy to drill out any old (or new) piece of perfboard and make your own.
Page visited: Saturday, Mar 8th, 2025 at 6:10pm PST. Last updated: Jan 23, 2021.