Calculate resistance and voltage drop of a PCB track...
One of the most mixed-up set of units that you will find: where weight in oz is used for thickness, width is in mils, which are thousandths of an inch, and length is in mm!
To use this calculator simply enter your dimensions. Thickness (oz), length and width are all required, however, the current is optional and will produce a calculated voltage drop if present.
If you wish to use your own values for the resistivity or the weight to thickness conversion factor, then either can be specified in the URL. For the first, simply add “?rhoCU=new value” right after the “.php.” For the second use the variable name “thk_factor” instead. If both are to be modified then separate them with an ampersand (“&”), not a “?.” The string “PCBtracks.php?rhoCU=1.73e-8&thk_factor=34e-6” would be equivalent to the defaults. Any such changes will be maintained from run to run.
Change log:
•November 2012: fixed track surface area calculation. It was too small by a 1000.
•April 2022: updated to work with PHP V8.
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