2 laws, 4 variables: 12 equations. ±
In electricity and therefore electronics, the two principle equations* are E=I/R and
P=E*I. The first is an expression of Georg Simon Ohm's law, and the second is from James Prescott Joule
When these two equations are manipulated algebraicly a total of 12 equations result, see
the image.
This is a program, which if given any two values, computes the other two variables. For example, if one has a 10 W, 12 Ω resistor in hand, what is the maximum voltage (or current) that the part can handle? Simple: just enter the resistance and power numbers in the appropriate boxes and push the calculate button.

*Here I use E for voltage (which stands for Electromotive force) but V is often used instead.
After calculation, the inputs are marked by a green background.
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