2x2 push buttons with LEDs: L'ilBoard5.01.

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2x2 push buttons with LEDs Li'lBoard page.

Model number: LB5.01.

Description: 4 tactile push buttons, each with an LED mounted beside it. The LEDs can be either 4×7 mm or SMD-1206 packages. Each LED and switch is individually accessible. Each component has a resistor, pull-up for each switch and a current-limit for each LED.

Applications: Simple human interface to a µController.

Features: Use on top of a L'il4.10 so that the LEDs can be driven, and the switches sensed by an SPI connection, or simply wire directly to whatever you want. The components are positioned so that mounting boards side-by side will result in equal spaces in all directions.

Restrictions: Placement of Vcc and GND pads are not the same as most other boards.



Click on image for full (PDF) schematic

SPI: Yes (with a L'il4.10).

Tenth centers: YES

Link to the previous board (L'ilduino.)

Link to the next board (LED array)