555 timer: L'ilBoard3.01.

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555 timer Li'lBoard page.

Model number: LB3.01.

Description: The classic 555 timer chip. The board is set up so that the chip can be configured as an astable or monostable multivibrator, and it allows a wide range of timing components to be used.

Applications: Pulse or frequency generation over a wide supply range and over a wide time range. Pulse (monostable) mode can be triggered by edge or level.

•A wide size range for the timing capacitor can be accommodated, including axial-lead electrolytics;
•A diode has been added to extend the duty cycle of the astable mode beyond 50%;
•The on-board LED can be set up to light on either the high or low output polarity;
•The timing resistors, R1 and R2, can be (0805 size) surface mount and/or 1/8 W through-hole devices. One good way to use this capability is to put in a SMD part selected for the maximum resistance appropriate to the needs, then parallel in a high-value 1/8 W device to calibrate the circuit's timing;
•The 555's reset and control voltage pins are accessible and labelled.

Key components: CMOS 555

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Restrictions: The LED's resistor is sized for the board's maximum 16 V



Click on image for full (PDF) schematic

Vin max: 16

Vin min: 2


Tenth centers: YES

Link to the previous board (Bridge rectifier)

Link to the next board (Dual single supply opamp)